The Fallen

Photo by David Lindsay

The Fallen is our newest performance work and sees Third Bite Dance take to the stage to capture the often hidden anger, passion and intimacy inherent in growing older.

Falling is bad for you. Falls hurt and cost the NHS millions. Older bodies on the floor evoke concern. But what about older bodies that enjoy the floor? Who see it as an opportunity to play? To test their limits? Age is not only about physical falls but also about falling in and out of love, falling into despair with declining bodies and brains and in love with our creativity. Falling into rage at our own and societies attitudes to our ageing. Through movement, spoken word and imagery, this work presents the visceral embodied experiences of ageing. The Fallen will rise from the physicality of grounded bodies to explore the emotional and social aspects of falling and age.

Directed and choreographed by Lucy Haighton in collaboration with the company

Funded by Arts Council England Project Grants

"Nuanced and sophisticated, I loved the range of strong emotions and that an obviously older cast aren’t ’doing’ old age or reminiscence"

(audience member)

Read our article in the Sheffield Tribune by company member Frances Byrnes about joining the company and developing The Fallen

Photo credit: David Lindsay

Audience Responses

"Nuanced and sophisticated, loved the range of strong emotions and that an obviously older cast aren’t ’doing’ old age or reminiscence"

"Oh it was wonderful. It was so well produced. So well rehearsed. It was very very good"

"I felt so energised, by the totally different atmosphere of the piece. I thought it was so sharp re performance - and you were funny in exactly the right way. Empowering. This was / is special"



Lucy Haighton


Jane Barrett 

Frances Byrnes

Judith Greenhall

Liz Hall

Steve Holmes

Neila Irwin

Alison Lally

Mick Loughran

Pam Marshall

Clare McManus

Nidhi Nanda


David Lindsay


The Fallen was made possible by funding from Arts Council England

Thank Yous

Third Bite Dance would like to thank the following for their help and support:

Emilyn Claid

Enable US at the University of Sheffield